“Death and the Penguin” revolves around an aspiring writer, specializing in short stories, who seems to hit it big as a sought-after writer of obituaries. As he navigates the bleak reality of post-Soviet Kyiv, he is accompanied by his pet penguin, Misha, who is depressed and has a heart condition. Organized crime, friendship, corruption, death, and survival are major themes in this 1996 novel by russophone Ukrainian writer Andrey Kurkov. I’ve received so many recommendations for this novel, I’m excited to dive in. I imagine it to be a dark, dead-pan, slightly surreal Chandleresque page turner. Will report back to you once I’m done! ππππβ£
Original title: ΠΠΈΠΊΠ½ΠΈΠΊ Π½Π° Π»ΡΠ΄Ρ
Translated by George Bird
“Death and the Penguin” on Goodreads and on Amazon