Most of you are probably familiar by now with the unusual career of Ukraine’s current president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Many streaming services and TV channels recently took on his immensely popular satirical comedy series “Servant of the People” (“Sluha Narodu” / “Sluga Naroda”). It feels like more than just a funny relic from his past, it feels like an origin story. So, I started watching the series, too, both as an antidote and as a connection or context to the devastating war in Ukraine. The series is funny (oh so funny!), absurd, dark, clever, touching, and watching it is a bittersweet experience. Have you seen “Servant of the People” or do you want to?

The first episode ends with a performance by the comedy pop band DZIDZIO, when its members jump out of a birthday cake. Now you’ll have to watch the first episode to find out why.